How Just is the Justice System?: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations of Fairness in the Criminal Justice System and Immigration Detention
To celebrate the Centre for Criminology's 50th anniversary, the GTC Criminology Group has organized a set of graduate panel discussions between Oxford’s masters and doctoral students in criminology and psychology as well as doctoral students from other universities in the UK. The conference has been generously funded by Green Templeton College. The panels will cover a wide range of topics, including human rights law, gender and criminology; queer critique of prison studies and the protection of transgender rights in the prison context; the experiences of transgender and non-conforming people in British prisons; neurocriminology and the changing attitudes towards the purpose of punishment; victims’ experiences of restorative justice from a psychological point of view; the emotional wellbeing of - and the interactions between - staff and detainees in immigration detention; and different uses of methodologies to voice the lived experiences of the wrongfully convicted.