Hadassa Noorda - Exprisonment: Deprivation of Liberty on the Street and at Home

Event date
25 February 2021
Event time
Oxford week
Hadassa Noorda

On 25 February 2021 at 17:00 (UK time), Hadassa Noorda will present her paper 'Exprisonment: Deprivation of Liberty on the Street and at Home'.


Legal scholars have addressed restrictions on individual liberty that do not entail prison or jail—including area restrictions, revoking driver’s licenses, and GPS bracelets. In all legal domains, the effects of these measures on the lives of targeted individuals can be significant, primarily with respect to their autonomy. Some are applied categorically rather than individually, do not involve a fair trial or hearing, or are applied preventively or after the targeted individual has completed a prison sentence. My aim in this article is to extend our view from prison as the quintessential method of depriving individuals of their liberty to control of individuals without locking them up. I conceptualize restrictions on liberty outside of prison or jail as ‘exprisonment’ and inquire into legal safeguards for individuals who are partially free but exprisoned in some areas of life.

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