Geographical Indication Protection in the UK and China: A Retrospective and Prospective Analysis

Event date
24 June 2019
Event time
Oxford week
Faculty of Law

Brexit requires the UK to establish a domestic GI registration system. This is a marked departure from previous practice where the UK regime was absorbed into the EU-wide GI protection regime. One consequence of this is that dual models might co-exist in the UK — registration-based protection under a new sui generis system and protection via trade mark law, as collective or certification marks. At the same time, China is undergoing a reform of multiple parallel systems of GI protection, which have been established for decades, as a result of institutional reform which has taken effect in April 2018.

At this juncture, where concurrent and overlapping regimes of protection for GIs are being considered (or reconsidered), it is an opportune moment to share experiences and to learn lessons from the past. This workshop is designed to allow experts from China and the UK to share their experiences and insights relating to the operation of different layers of GI registration, protection and enforcement.

A wide range of topics will be covered such as:

  • Lessons to be learned from dual models/triple systems of GI protection in China;
  • The policy behind and the specific changes to Chinese GI systems, after the institutional reform in April 2018;
  • Existing experience of GI protection in the UK through certification marks and GI schemes applied at the European Community level;
  • The Policy underpinnings of GI protection in the UK after Brexit;
  • Potential cooperation between the UK and China in the field of GIs.

This is an invitation only workshop.  There are a limited number of spaces open to specialists in the field of GI.  If you specialise in this area and is interested in attending the workshop, please send your CV to Dr Xiaoyan Wang.