Fountain Court - Being a Barrister

Event date
21 November 2017
Event time
18:00 - 19:30
Oxford week
Visitors Room at Malmaison

Fountain Court Chambers


Being a Barrister

10 things you should know

If you’ve ever thought about a career as a Barrister, come along to this informal seminar and drinks event run by Fountain Court Chambers at which barristers of all levels of seniority will talk about what it’s really like to have a career at the commercial bar.

Topics covered will include:

— A ‘typical’ working day of a commercial barrister.
— The advantages of the Bar as a career, and how it differs from other legal jobs.
— Work and family life balance.
— The applications process.

In the second half of the evening you will have a chance to chat to us and ask your own questions over a drink. You are welcome to attend the seminar, the drinks or both.

Tuesday 21st November 2017
Malmaison Hotel
Oxford Castle, 3 New Road
Oxford OX1 1AY

If you wish to attend, or require further information please email our recruitment co-ordinator Sarah Alexander at

Fountain Court will pay reasonable travel expenses for students who live outside Oxford and wishing to attend.

For more information, please click here.





























Topics covered will include:

— A ‘typical’ working day of a commercial barrister.
— The advantages of the Bar as a career, and how it differs from other legal jobs.
— Work and family life balance.
— The applications process.

In the second half of the evening you will have a chance to chat to us and ask your own questions over a drink. You are welcome to attend the seminar, the drinks or both.

Date: Tuesday 21st November 2017

Venue: Visitors' Room, Malmaison Hotel

Time: 18:00 - 19:30

If you wish to attend, or require further information, please email our recruitment co-ordinator Sarah Alexander at


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