FJDG x Animal Law Discussion Group: Pattrice Jones and Ecofeminism
Pattrice Jones and Ecofeminism
Join us for our first event of Hilary Term 2021, which will take the form of an exciting collaboration with the Animal Law Discussion Group. The event will centre on a discussion of the work of Pattrice Jones, 'Fighting Cocks: Ecofeminism versus Sexualized Violence', in Lisa A Kemmerer's (ed) Sister Species: Women, Animals and Social Justice (2011). Please get in touch with us via email at, to receive a PDF copy of the text. A PDF will also be circulated on the event link of our Facebook page closer to the date.
You can read the text in advance and join the meeting at 6:15pm, or you can join at 6pm and we will give you a few minutes to read the text. We look forward to seeing you there!