Fintech and Consumers

Event date
24 April 2018
Event time
09:30 - 16:30
Oxford week
Wolfson College
Dr Ying Yu

Notes & Changes

By invitation only.

"Fintech and Consumer" is a significant part of ongoing programme of “Best Practice of Consumer Redress” in the UNCTAD undertaken by Oxford team, guided by Professor Denis Galligan, coordinated by Dr Ying Yu of Oxford University. The research is pursuing the answers of following issues: what does justice mean to consumer? Justice requires both distributive justice to empower the vulnerable consumer and substantive justice to deliver the concrete result to the end which channelled by due process. How to balance the distribution and deliver substantive justice to consumer under the complicate context conflicted by various laws and practices? Best practices in private sector, and the values of which in assisting balancing power and delivering substantive justice to consumer. The suggestions to developing countries for policy making.

During the event, policy makers, consumer experts and practitioners, as well as scholars will join to discuss the pressing issues of emerging Fintech for cross-border consumer payment:

  • Legal and Regulatory Environment for Cross-border Consumer Payment;
  • Comparison of selected Fintech Consumer Payment Suppliers;
  • Fintech CDR (Consumer Dispute Resolution)  

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Consumer Law