Fiction & Human Rights Network: Migrants and refugees in Germany, 'Go, Went, Gone'

Event date
21 November 2018
Event time
12:30 - 13:45
Oxford week
Bonavero Institute of Human Rights - Gilly Leventis Meeting Room
Sonia Ghura and Eva Klein

Please join the Fiction and Human Rights Network and Bonavero Institute of Human Rights for a discussion of Jenny Erpenbeck's recent and highly-acclaimed novel about migrants and refugees in Germany: Go, Went, Gone

The discussion will be led by Tessa Roynon the Research and Teaching Fellow at the Rothermere American Institute and a member of the English Faculty.

One of the great contemporary European writers takes on Europe's biggest issue. Richard has spent his life as a university professor immersed in the world of books and ideas but now retired, his books remain in their packing boxes and he steps into the streets of his city, Berlin. Here, on Alexanderplatz, he discovers a new community -- a tent city, established by African asylum seekers. Hesitantly getting to know the new arrivals, Richard finds his life changing as he begins to question his own sense of belonging in a city that once divided its citizens into them and us. At once a passionate contribution to the debate on race, privilege and nationality and a beautifully written examination of an ageing man's quest to find meaning in his life. 'Go, Went, Gone' showcases one of the great contemporary European writers at the height of her powers.

No registration required and all welcome.

A free sandwich lunch will be served. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.

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Human Rights Law