Feminist Approaches to MeToo and Media Law
In this talk we discuss the implications of #MeToo for media lawyers and those working in the field of women’s human rights. While #MeToo has launched an important global movement, it has also raised difficulties for those trying to speak out about their abuse. Post #MeToo there has been a rise in civil legal actions against those who have spoken out online and in the media. In England and Wales this issue has recently come to light in the Supreme Court case of Stocker v Stocker in which a judge at first instance infamously stated that the ex-partner’s ‘intention had been to silence and not to kill’ his ex-wife when he placed his hand on her throat. Through a number of case studies, we discuss the current challenges and implications at the intersection between freedom of expression, protection of women’s rights and the right to tell one’s story.
Dr Keina Yoshida is currently a research officer on the project ‘A Feminist International Law of Peace and Security’ at the Centre for Women, Peace and Security at the London School of Economics. She has taught on LLB and masters courses in a number of universities in the UK and further afield on the topic of international human rights law, conflict, feminism and women’s human rights. She is a member of the editorial board of Feminist Legal Studies. Having gained her PhD from the LSE on the topic of law, film and international law, Keina now manages a portfolio that combines practice and academic work.
She is a barrister at Doughty Street chambers and has particular expertise in women’s human rights, including VAWG, CEDAW, sexual and reproductive rights and LGBT rights. She is part of the Doughty Street International team where she has experience litigating before domestic, regional and international courts and bodies.Jennifer Ribinson is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers. She has been instructed in human rights related judicial review cases, has advised individual and state clients in international law, appeared in the Internationa
l Court of Justice and has given expert evidence at the UN and in Parliament. Jen has a particular focus on free speech and civil liberties, advising media organisations, journalists and whistle-blowers on all aspects of media law, including defamation, privacy, contempt, freedom of information, national security and reporting restrictions.Many of her cases and clients are high-profile and involve novel cross-jurisdictional and comparative law issues. Her work developing the Bertha Justice Initiative, a global program to support strategic public interest litigation and educate the next generation of human rights lawyers, allowed her to develop a unique global network and comparative perspective to her practice. Having practised as a solicitor, she has an in-depth understanding of both sides of practice and is easy to use for professional and direct access clients.