Fairly Useful? Thinking Creatively about Copyright Exceptions

Event date
26 November 2020
Event time
17:00 - 18:30
Oxford week
Online via Zoom
Professor Tanya Aplin (Kings College London), Professor Lionel Bently (University of Cambridge), Dr Emily Hudson (Kings College London) and Professor Robert Burrell (University of Oxford)

The OIPRC is delighted to present an expert panel discussion on copyright exceptions, with Professor Tanya Aplin (KCL), Professor Lionel Bently (University of Cambridge), Dr Emily Hudson (KCL), and Professor Robert Burrell (University of Oxford) being chaired by Professor Jonathan Griffiths (Queen Mary).

The panel will inter alia debate the potential breadth of the quotation exception to copyright infringement, as well as the extent to which broad exceptions can provide specific guidance in real world contexts. The panel will introduce and debate key ideas in two major new monographs on copyright exceptions: Drafting Copyright Exceptions: From the Law in Books to the Law in Action and Global Mandatory Fair Use: The Nature and Scope of the Right to Quote Copyright WorksFor those interested in background reading, this resource is helpful: ‘Whatever Became of Global Mandatory Fair Use?’  

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Intellectual Property Law