Exeter College Rector’s Seminar: ‘Preventing and Resolving Financial Crises’
‘Preventing and Resolving Financial Crises’
This important topic will be the subject of a Rector’s Seminar at Exeter College on Wednesday 27 February at 5.30 pm in the Drawing Room, Rector’s Lodgings, Turl Street site, Exeter College.
The speaker will be Sean Hagan, who until recently was General Counsel of the International Monetary Fund. Sean, a Visiting Fellow at Exeter College during the current academic year, has extensive experience of dealing with financial crises, including the ‘credit meltdown’ of 2008.
This seminar will be of particular interest to students and scholars of Economics, Government/Politics, Public Policy, Economic History and Law. It should also be of interest to anyone who is concerned about future and/or past financial crises, with their very wide-ranging effects on politics, social welfare and culture as well as on economies.
All are welcome.