Excessive pricing provisions in competition law: what about what consumers want?

Event date
14 March 2022
Event time
13:00 - 14:00
Oxford week
HT 9
Faculty Members
Members of the University
Live Online Seminar (Teams)
Professor Willem Boshoff

Excessive pricing provisions in the EU, UK and emerging markets such as South Africa aim to prevent so-called dominant firms from charging excessive prices. Unsurprisingly, identifying an excessive price is quite complicated. My research looks at the need to account for the economic value that consumers attach to a product, in addition to the cost of producing the product. I will talk about some recent cases, including Covid-19 related price gouging and pharmaceutical pricing cases in the UK, and their challenges.

This event is open (only) to members of Oxford University. To register for it, please complete the form below using your SSO credentials. Registration will close at 10am on the morning of the seminar after which a Teams link will be sent out.

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Comparative Law