Everything You Need to Know to Secure Succeed in Pupillage Interviews

Event date
24 January 2017
Event time
14:30 - 16:00
Oxford week
Careers Service - 56 Banbury Road

Everything You Need to Know to Secure Succeed in Pupillage Interviews

Obtaining pupillage is harder than ever. Every year, another cohort of highly qualified applicants enrols on the BPTC and applies for an ever-shrinking number of pupillages. On top of that, the pupillage application process remains shrouded in mystery with horror stories of bizarre sifting systems and terrifying interview tactics whispered around the country.

This workshop aims to lift the lid on this process by showing you real application forms and real candidates being interviewed by the barristers that make those pupillage decisions. You will see what works, what doesn’t, and how best to approach your own applications and succeed. 

When: Tuesday, 24 Jan 2017

When: 14.30pm to 16.00

Where: Careers Service, 56, Banbury road, Oxford

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