Empirical Evidence on Collective Redress in Europe
This is a joint conference hosted by the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford and the Katholic University of Leuven
This important event will report on a major research project that evaluates the comparative empirical evidence on different mechanisms offering collective redress, in order to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different mechanisms - collective actions, criminal compensation orders, criminal follow-on damages claims, regulators' redress powers, ombudsmen, compensation schemes, redress schemes, ADR and ODR systems, voluntary arrangements, or anything else.
Against the background of the review in 2017 of the European Commission's Recommendation on collective redress mechanisms, this research project will not assume that any particular mechanism is superior to any other, but will aim to produce a map of the techniques that exist in different Member States, and enable an objective evaluation of the empirical evidence.
National reports are available from the following countries:
Belgium, Bulgaria, Czeck Republic, England and Wales, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy (Gianni Origone), Italy I , Italy II , Lithuanina, Poland, Poland Tulibacka, Romania, Sweden, Ukraine, and UK Financial Ombudsman Service.
A summary note of the conference is available here.
For more information regarding the conference please view our programme or contact João Ilhão Moreira.