Digital Justice for Consumers

The workshop will assess how the increasing ease and speed that we are able to purchase goods and services online exposes consumers to the increasing risk of new types of disputes. Please visit the Eventbrite page for registration.
The international panel of speakers will consider how traditional legal institutions are inadequate for this new digital world of cross-border commerce and assess the extent of this 'Digital Justice Gap', with the aim of proposing solutions for a new global digital justice framework.
Professor Ethan Katsh and Dr Orna Rabinovich-Einy will discuss their new book published by the OUP (2017) titled: Digital Justice: Technology and the Internet of Disputes.
Chair: Denis Galligan, Professor of Socio-Legal Studies, Director Oxford OBOR Programme, Director of Programmes Foundation for Law Justice and Society
Ethan Katsh, Professor Emeritus of Legal Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Director, National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution
Orna Rabinovich-Einy, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa
Arnau Izaguerri Vila, Associate Legal Officer, UNCTAD, United Nations
Anna Glayzer , Advocacy Manager, Consumers International
Alex Chung, Coordinator of Digital Economy, Oxford OBOR Programme
Janet Hui Xue, University of Sydney, Sydney Cyber Security Network
Pablo Cortes, Leicester Law School, University of Leicester
Ying Yu, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford