On the Digital Frontline: The Business of Human Rights in Technology

Event date
18 November 2020
Event time
12:30 - 13:45
Oxford week
Zoom Webinar
Vidhya Ramalingam; Oliver Goodman

Notes & Changes

Register here. Please note that this event will be recorded, with the exception of any live audience questions.

Social media has a bad reputation when it comes to the protection of rights. Critics have emphasised the ways in which social media platforms amplify hate speech, aid in the proliferation of fake news and misinformation, and neglect to protect vulnerable users from harmful content. While these charges are valid, it is also true that social media offers new opportunities for intervention. Social media platforms can be used to combat hate speech, misinformation and harmful content; importantly, they can also help to identify those who spread these narratives and be used to offer them different paths. 

In this talk, we’ll provide empirical insight into the ‘business’ of protecting rights and safeguarding vulnerable individuals online, outlining an approach that places ethical and data protection considerations at its centre.

An audio recording of this event is available to listen to on Soundcloud


A picture of Vidhya Ramalingam in a dark blue and green jumper.

Vidhya Ramalingam is Founder of Moonshot CVE, an organisation that uses technology to disrupt and counter violent extremism globally. She directs overall strategy and oversees campaigns, software development, and digital projects in over 25 countries. Under her leadership, Moonshot CVE has pioneered new partnerships with tech companies to respond to violent extremism on their platforms, online intervention programs to pull individuals out of violent movements, and the use of automated messaging to disrupt hate groups online. Vidhya has focused much of the past decade working to counter right-wing extremism and terrorism. Following the 22nd July 2011 attacks in Norway, she led the European Union’s first inter-governmental initiative on right-wing terrorism, initiated by the Governments of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and the Netherlands, and launched by the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs. She regularly advises Big Tech and Heads of State on tackling right-wing extremism, and has testified before the US Congress on the global threat posed by white nationalist terrorism. She has worked internationally to set up disengagement programs to facilitate social work interventions to pull people out of violent extremism. Vidhya also serves on the Board of Life After Hate, an organisation set up by former white supremacists to help individuals leave hate groups.

A picture of Oliver Goodman in a green checked shirt.
Oliver Goodman is an analyst at Moonshot CVE. He delivers projects and conducts social media analysis with the aim of disrupting violent extremism and other forms of online harm. He is also responsible for developing Moonshot’s offering in the migration space, exploring how Moonshot’s bespoke methodologies might be applied to the safeguarding of vulnerable migrants and refugees online. Oliver’s background is primarily within migration, having previously worked for the British Embassy Beijing in a role related to human trafficking and modern slavery prevention. As a recent alumnus of the MSc programme in Migration Studies at St Catherine’s College, Oliver is excited to speak to the Oxford Business and Human Rights Network!
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This event forms a part of the repertoire of International Events Around the Moot for the participants, judges and coaches of the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition 2020/21. Please remember to register in order to access the event.

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Human Rights Law