Digital accessibility as a right

Event date
27 May 2022
Event time
11:00 - 13:00
Oxford week
TT 5
Members of the University
Postgraduate Students
Faculty of Law - The Cube
Rahul Bajaj

Persons with disabilities face massive accessibility barriers in participating meaningfully in the digital marketplace. They remain shut out from a whole range of activities – from ordering groceries to socializing online, from transferring money to finding a partner, from consulting a doctor to booking cabs. To address this problem in a constructive fashion, Rahul Bajaj, Oxford alumni (BCL 2019/MPhil in Law 2020), started an initiative with two other blind lawyers called Mission Accessibility.

In this talk, Rahul will discuss the motivations behind the initiative, its vision, mission and how able-bodied people can do their bit to make the initiative a success.

Registration is not required but admittance is limited to the room capacity.

Please join us!


You can read more about Rahul’s project in an interview he did with MxMIndia earlier this year.

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