Developments in Gain-based Remedies for Wrongdoing

Event date
11 January 2019
Event time
17:00 - 18:30
Oxford week
The Old Library - All Souls College
The Hon Justice James Edelman

In 2001, the House of Lords decided a case called Attorney General v Blake.  The decision could have been absolutely unexceptional.  However, the brilliantly creative mind of Lord Nicholls set the law on a much wider path including, as Lord Nicholls later explained in 2008, parallels between gain-based remedies for wrongs and those for unjust enrichment.  This talk and discussion explores the consequences of that path in English law and a resistance movement that appears to have arisen in 2018.  

This special lecture by Justice Edelman is aimed particularly at the BCL/MJur classes in Commercial Remedies and Restitution of Unjust Enrichment; all are welcome but space may be limited.

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Law of Obligations