Designing Consumer Redress: Making Redress Accessible for Consumer-Citizens

Event date
10 - 11 June
Event time
00:00 - 00:00
Oxford week

Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford are delighted to invite consumer advisors, complaint handling and ombudsmen practitioners, academics and policymakers to our workshop on “Designing Consumer Redress”. The provision of redress to consumers is an area undergoing significant developments, particularly in light of the implementation of the EU’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Directive and the forthcoming Online Dispute Resolution Regulation. In the public sector, the scene is similarly shifting with a number of upcoming changes proposed to the redress landscape for public service complaints. The aim of this workshop is to focus on one crucial aspect of these changes: how can we ensure, through good redress design, that the provision of redress is more accessible for more people?

Who should attend?
The workshop aims to bring together members of the public interested in consumer redress, consumer advisors, complaint and ombudsman practitioners, academics and policymakers. Places are strictly limited and early booking is recommended to ensure you receive a place.

Cost and booking
The workshop is free to attend. There will be a £50 charge for those wishing to join the workshop dinner on Thursday 11 June. Email to book a place, indicating whether you wish to attend the conference only or the conference and the dinner.

Support for public engagement
Support for this public engagement workshop is provided in part by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York, a philanthropic foundation created by Andrew Carnegie in 1911 to do "real and permanent good in this world."

Queen Margaret University is located in Musselburgh, 7 minutes by train from central Edinburgh. For more information about how to find us please use the following link:

About the organisers
The Consumer Insight Centre at Queen Margaret University is a leading provider of continuing professional development to ombudsman and complaint handling staff in the UK and internationally. In addition to our short courses, we have recently launched the world’s first Master’s degree aimed at ombudsman and complaint professionals. Our interdisciplinary research spans consumer policy, administrative justice and alternative dispute resolution.
For over forty years the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford has been at the forefront of research into the nature and role of law in society. More than a dozen researchers combine multi-disciplinary expertise. Links with leading scholars in the Faculty of Law and throughout the University enhance the breadth of the Centre’s research and the resources available to both doctoral students and research staff.
The conference is being co-organised by Carol Brennan (QMU), Naomi Creutzfeldt (Oxford) and Chris Gill (QMU).

Further information
For further information about this event, please email

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