Des Voeux Chambers: An Insider Perspective on the Hong Kong Bar. RSVP: 24 October 2016

Event date
3 November 2016
Event time
Oxford week

Des Voeux Chambers is pleased to invite students who have an interest in practising at the Hong Kong Bar to meet with visiting members of Chambers from the pupillage & mini-pupillage committees over an informal dinner to be held in London, Cambridge and Oxford in the first week of November, as follows:
London: Tuesday 1 November 2016
Cambridge: Wednesday 2 November 2016
Oxford: Thursday 3 November 2016

Over dinner, members of Chambers will be sharing with students their experiences at the Hong Kong Bar and answering questions about the pupillage and mini-pupillage application process. This will also be the occasion to hear about what exactly Des Voeux Chambers is looking for in a candidate.

To register: Please email a copy of your latest Curriculum Vitae with contact details and full details of academic results under the subject line of "DVC UK Dinner Dinner invitation.pdf


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