Criminology in Latin America
The Southernising Criminology Discussion Group is thrilled to host Professor Manuel Iturralde (University of los Andes) and Professor Mauricio Dieter (University of Sao Paulo), for our event on Criminology in Latin America. In this meeting, both professors will provide us with an overview of the current state of criminology in Latin America. Professor Manuel Iturralde will talk more broadly on contemporary criminological debates in the Spanish-speaking context in Latin American. Professor Maurício Dieter will focus more on a 'Brazilian criminology', emphasising current streams of critical criminology that defies traditional theoretical models developed by European and North American criminologists.
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Speakers biography

Manuel Iturralde holds a bachelor degree in Law from Universidad de los Anders (1997), and LLM (2001) and a PhD degree in Law (2007) from the London School of Economics. He has been a member of the School of Law Faculty at Universidad de los Andes since 1998. He was Director of the Public interest Law Group (a legal clinic) between 2010 and 2013. Manuel is currently co-Director of the Prisons Group (a liegal clinic) and an Associate Professor of the School of Law at Universidad de los Andes. His research and academic interests focus on Criminology, Sociology of Punishment, Sociology of Law, and Criminal law. Manuel's recent research has focused on the political economy of punishment, particularly in Colombia and Latin America.

Mauricio Stegemann Dieter is a Senior Reader of Criminology and Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo. Post-Doctorate by the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2014). PhD from the Federal University of Paraná, with a doctoral research internship at the Hamburg Universität (2012). Researcher at Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht. Visiting Professor of the Doctoral Program at Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala, the Master's Program at Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana, Colombia, and the Graduate Program at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Westminster. Coordinator of the CPECC (Center for Research in Criminal Sciences, University of São Paulo). Criminal barrister.