Criminal Justice, Race and Migration

Event date
19 - 20 September
Event time
09:00 - 17:00
Oxford week
Manor Road Social Sciences Building

As scholarship on border control gathers pace, it is becoming noticeable that questions about race, ethnicity, and gender are often absent. Over the course of two days, this workshop hopes to address a series of questions on the state of border control as well as the field of border studies.  The questions that we would like participants to consider are:

1. How are race and gender present in the methodological process of scholarship in border studies? What are some of the particular challenges these issues pose in doing research in this field?

2. How do you (can we?) meaningfully attend to the questions about the concepts of race, racism, gender, ethnicity, identity and their complexities in border studies? Are these concepts different at the border than elsewhere? Do the same texts and ideas on race help us to understand?

3. How do border practices intersect with racialized hierarchies? Where are these intersections most evident and how might we resist them?

4. How do border studies intersect with racialized hierarchies? What are some of the particular challenges associated with encouraging representation in research in this field and how might they relate to entrenched issues of diversity in the academy?

Papers will be delivered by a range of colleagues including Devon Carbado, Rimple Mehta, Ben Bowling, Eddie Bruce-Jones and Louise Boon-Kuo. Papers from this workshop will be included in an edited collection.


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