Crime and Mental Health: Vulnerability and Resilience in the Face of Trauma

Event date
15 March 2016
Event time
09:00 - 18:00
Oxford week
Green Templeton College

The conference has been generously funded by Green Templeton College, and has been organised as one of the events to celebrate the Centre for Criminology's 50th anniversary. It will draw together a range of experts from criminology, psychiatry and law to discuss the experiences of vulnerable populations in the criminal justice system of England and Wales.

The day will start and end with plenary sessions, and the panels in between will include student and alumni presentations, in order to help to nurture the careers of young scholars working in this area. The first plenary and panel will focus on mental health of children and young people in the criminal justice system, with the second panel and final plenary focusing on adults.

Panel contributions will include papers on the vulnerabilities, trauma, and resilience/coping strategies of: those in prisons and immigration detention; those with autism in the criminal justice system; young people 'at risk' of offending and those within the youth justice system; and other topics.


9:00 - Arrival and Registration

10.00 –11.15 - Plenary session 1 (Lecture theatre): Vulnerable young people and the CJS

Sarah Brennan (Chief executive of Young Minds): Mental health issues faced by young people in their interactions with the criminal justice system.

11.15-11.45 Coffee break (Stables bar)

11.45- 1.15 Panel session 1 - (Lecture theatre): (Re)shaping vulnerabilities through criminal justice interventions with young people and their parents

Jasmina Arnez (DPhil candidate at the Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford): Institutional responses to youth deviance and parenting styles: Exploring the lived experience of social class in criminological theory and practice

Laura Janes (Legal director at The Howard League for Penal Reform)

Alison Thorne (Project lead at the mental health charity Together)

1.15-2.00 Buffet lunch (Stables bar)

2.00-3.30 Panel session 2 -  (Lecture theatre): (Re)shaping vulnerabilities through criminal proceedings, detention  and immigration detention of adults

Marie Tidball (DPhil candidate at the Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford): Governance of offenders with autistic spectrum conditions in the English criminal justice system

Morwenna Bennallick (Postgraduate research student at the Royal Holloway University of London and Prisoners Education Trust): The importance of distance learning for coping with prison, building resilience and decreasing vulnerability post-release

Sarah Turnbull (Postdoctoral research fellow at the Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford): Experience of immigration detention and deportation in the UK

3.30-4.00 Tea break (Stables bar)

4.00-5.15 Plenary session 2 -  (Lecture theatre): Vulnerable adults and the CJS

Keith Hawton (Centre for Suicide Research, University of Oxford)

Seena Fazel (Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford)

Keith and Seena’s closing plenary will cover risk of suicidal behaviour in prisons, contributory factors based on findings from their studies of survivors of near-lethal suicide attempts in prisons and a summary of potential prevention initiatives.

6.00-7.00 Wine Reception - (Common Room, Radcliffe Observatory)

Places are now full. If you are interested in attending please contact and we can put on a waiting list in case we have any cancellations.

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