The Country We Want To Be

Event date
16 November 2017
Event time
Oxford week
Lecture Theatre 2 Blavatnik School of Government
Danny Kruger

Britain stands at a cross-road. The Brexit vote, and Corbyn’s surge in popularity, represent conflicting romantic conceptions of the country. Can this moment of idealism offer a chance to shape a new vision for Britain? And what would that look like, both domestically and internationally?


Danny Kruger is a Senior Fellow at the Legatum Institute think tank in London. He is the founder, and former Chief Executive, of two charities: Only Connect, a criminal justice project, and the West London Zone for Children and Young People, a place-based early intervention project. Danny read History at Edinburgh University and received a DPhil in History from Oxford University in 2000. Before working at Only Connect, Danny was Director of Studies at the Centre for Policy Studies; Chief Leader-Writer at the Daily Telegraph; and Special Adviser to David Cameron MP as Leader of the Opposition.

This event is open to all, both members of the University of Oxford and the public. To attend, please register here.

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