Conference on 'Remaking the UK Constitution'

Event date
22 - 23 February
Event time
10:00 - 16:30
Oxford week
Bonavero Institute of Human Rights - Sir Joseph Hotung Auditorium
Various speakers

Brexit has generated a widespread recognition on all sides of the debate that the UK is in the midst of one of the greatest constitutional upheavals in its history. Consequently, there is growing interest across and outside the political parties in revisiting some fundamental aspects of the UK constitution.

Remaking the UK Constitution is a conference about how to remake the UK constitution in a democratically legitimate manner. It will focus on constitutional processes which would be capable of attracting broad support: a prerequisite of lasting constitutional design. Our hope is that this inclusive discussion of how the constitution could be remade will facilitate further engagement with whether it should be and what constitutional changes might be necessary and desirable (questions that should be decided by the process itself). A draft programme of the conference is attached.

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Constitutional Law