Comparative Property Law - A Discussion

Event date
27 October 2016
Event time
12:30 - 14:00
Oxford week
IECL teaching room

Comparative Property Law – A Discussion

Members of the Faculty and graduate students who are engaged in research on property law will sometimes come across issues of comparative law in their research, or may be interested in hearing about how others who are engaged in property law research deal with comparative law matters. The Comparative Law Discussion Group and the Property Law Discussion Group invite members of the Faculty and graduate students to discuss, in an informal setting, comparative property law and any work they are undertaking that has a comparative dimension (‘comparative’ here means comparisons with non-common law systems), and to hear more from colleagues about what work is being undertaken in this area. The discussion will be led by John Cartwright, Director of the Institute of European and Comparative Law, and will be held at the Institute (the Old Rectory, Paradise Square: for a map, see here).


Sandwiches and refreshments from 12.30. The discussion will begin at 1pm. 

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Comparative Law