The Civil Procedure Rules at 20 Anniversary Conference

Event date
10 June 2019
Event time
09:45 - 18:00
Oxford week
Bonavero Institute of Human Rights
Keynote Speaker: Sir Terence Etherton, Master of the Rolls

The University of Oxford is hosting a conference to mark the 20th anniversary of the Civil Procedure Rules coming into force on Monday 10 June 2019. The conference will be held at Oxford’s Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and has been organised with the generous support of Herbert Smith Freehills.

Conference Programme (9:45am - 6:00pm including lunch, morning and afternoon tea)

View the Conference Brochure

View the Speaker Abstracts and Biographies

The conference will be a full day event involving presentations and discussions on a range of procedural topics, covering both private and public law, from distinguished judges, practitioners and academics.

Registration Opens - 9:15am (Note registration will be open until Lunchtime)

Session A - 9:45 - 11:15 

1. Welcome: Professor Anne Davies, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford 

2. Overview: Past Challenges and Future Priorities for the CPR

Speakers: Damien Byrne Hill, Head of UK & US Dispute Resolution, Herbert Smith Freehills; Associate Professor Andrew Higgins, Oxford

3. Keynote Address from the Master of the Rolls, Sir Terence Etherton

'Rule Making for a Digital Court Process'

4. Reflections from Former Masters of the Rolls on Managing Civil Justice

Panellists: Lord Neuberger, Former President UK Supreme Court and Master of the Rolls; Lord Dyson Former Justice of UK Supreme Court and Master of the Rolls

Chair: Professor Kate O'Regan, Director Bonavero Institute of Human Rights

Morning Tea Break - 11:15 - 11:40

Session B - 11:40 - 12:50

5. The HMCTS Reform Programme and the Use of Technology in the Civil Justice Systems

Speakers: Professor Dame Hazel Genn, UCL; Emeritus Professor Adrian Zuckerman, Oxford; Sir Ernest Ryder, Senior President of Tribunals; Richard Goodman HMCTS Change Director

Chair: Lord Briggs, UK Supreme Court

Lunch - 12:50 - 1:50

Session C: 1:50 - 3:50 

6.  Reforming Disclosure (Including the Disclosure Pilot in the Business and Property Courts)

Speakers: Sir Peter Coulson, Deputy Head of Civil Justice; Charles Hollander QC, Brick Court Chambers

Chair: Ed Crosse, Partner Simmons & Simmons 

7. Class Actions in England 

Speakers: Professor Rachael Mulheron, QMUL; Stephen Wisking, Partner Herbert Smith Freehills

Chair: Justice Robert Sharpe, Ontario Court of Appeal

8. National Security, Secret Courts and Fair Trials (Focusing on closed material proceedings):

Speakers: Martin Chamberlain QC, Brick Court Chambers; Dr Hayley Hooper, Oxford

Chair: Lord Kerr, UK Supreme Court

Afternoon Tea Break 3:50 - 4:20  

Session D:  4:20 - 6:00

9. Procedural Aspects of Judicial Review (Including the Government's legislative changes to increase the costs of, and restrict use of, JR)

Speakers: Professor Maurice Sunkin, Essex University; Mrs Justice Nathalie Lieven, England & Wales High Court

Chair: Helem Mountfield QC, Mansfield College and Matrix Chambers 

10. Funding Justice (2019 also marks the 10th anniversary of the Jackson report on the Costs of Civil Litigation)

Speakers: Sir Rupert Jackson Former Justice England & Wales Court of Appeal; Alison Pickup, Legal Director Public Law Project; Associate Professor Rabeea Assy, Haifa University; Dr John Sorabji, UCL/RCJ

Chair: Professor Stuart Sime, City University 

Conference Close: 6:00pm

Drinks and Dinner Reception, Mansfield College (6:00pm - 9:00pm approx)

There will be a drinks and dinner reception immediately after the conference at Mansfield College. Conference attendees can join the reception at a cost of £50.00 
This event is now fully booked and registration has closed.     

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Evidence & Civil Procedure