Chinese University of Hong Kong PhD in Laws Programme Presentation

Event date
10 February 2017
Event time
13:00 - 14:00
Oxford week
Faculty of Law - The Cube

On Friday, 10 February 2017, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. at The Cube, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, Professor Gregory S. Gordon, Director of the PhD in Laws Programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, will provide information about the Programme for all interested students and answer any questions they may have.

With a world-class faculty and superior library resources situated at the crossroads between Asia and the West, CUHK Law provides an ideal environment to pursue post-graduate research.  And it offers some of the best funding opportunities in the world – essentially, you would get paid generously to conduct research and write a thesis on a topic of your choice.  You would earn a prestigious degree – the highest in the law – that would give you an edge in a competitive job market – especially in Asia.  In addition, the degree could open to you the world of academia.

If you come to the presentation, you will be eligible to sign up for the CUHK Faculty of Law PhD Candidate Summer Workshop 2017.  CUHK would provide you with an all-expenses-paid trip to Hong Kong this summer to explore the campus and Hong Kong and meet with faculty and students.  After the presentation, Professor Gordon will also be available to meet with students on an individual basis to discuss the Programme and the Summer Workshop or answer any questions you may have.  If you have a moment, please feel free to register for the event at the following link:

Please also see the presentation poster.


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