**CANCELLED** Stage managers of the criminal courtroom: Uncovering the lives of Crown Court clerks through oral history

Event date
2 December 2019
Event time
16:30 - 18:00
Oxford week
Manor Road Building - Seminar Room D
Dr Dvora Liberman

In this paper Dvora Liberman will be talking about a series of life story interviews she conducted with crown court clerks.  The project reflects her broader interest in marginalised legal; lives.  Dvora Liberman is an ESRC Post-doctoral Fellow at the LSE.  She has extensive experience conducting oral history interviews and working creatively with oral histories for theatre, film and exhibitions. She completed an AHRC funded PhD in Oral History and the English justice system, which formed part of a collaboration between the London School of Economics and Political Science Legal Biography Project, and National Life Stories, British Library. Dvora has a Master of Arts degree in Life History Research, Oral History and Life Story Documents and Documentary Filmmaking from the University of Sussex, UK. In October 2019, Dvora will be joining the CSLS to work on a John Fell funded oral history project on pioneering lives with Linda Mulcahy.   See further: http://www.dvoraliberman.com/

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Socio-Legal Studies