*CANCELLED* Measuring delivery of rights for children

Event date
4 March 2020
Event time
12:30 - 14:00
Oxford week
Bonavero Institute of Human Rights - Gilly Leventis Meeting Room
Professor Leon Feinstein

In this talk Professor Feinstein will describe work initiated at the Children’s Commissioner’s Office to develop quantitative metrics of the degree to which children’s rights are realised in practice. This spans issues of vulnerability, stability in care and article 12 rights to be heard and will cover issues about measurement and the use of metrics to influence policy and practice as well as about the definition and content of measures.

Leon Feinstein is Professor of Education and Children’s Social Care at the University of Oxford where he is undertaking work on the measurement of vulnerability, need and risk of children and working with local and national agencies to improve use of data to improve children’s lives, experiences and outcomes. 

Leon was Director of Evidence at the Office of the Children’s Commissioner from 2016-2019. From 2013 to 2016 Leon was Director of Evidence at the Early Intervention Foundation, an independent charity and “What Works” centre, working to evaluate the impact of early intervention. From 2008 to 2013 Leon was a civil servant, working in the Treasury and the Cabinet Office on policy implementation and performance policy. 

Before joining the civil service Leon was Professor of Education and Social Policy at the Institute of Education. In this period Leon’s academic research concerned the intergenerational transmission of advantage and disadvantage in terms of social structure, education and income. 

Leon is visiting professor of practice at the LSE’s Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion and visiting professor at the Rudd Centre at the University of Sussex. 

All are welcome and the venue is fully accessible. A light sandwich lunch will be provided

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Human Rights Law