CANCELLED - Legal Tech, Civil Procedure and the Future of Adversarialism

Event date
25 February 2020
Event time
16:00 - 17:30
Oxford week
Institute for European and Comparative Law (Clifford Chance Seminar Room)
David Engstrom


David Freeman Engstrom is a scholar of the design and implementation of litigation and regulatory regimes, whose expertise runs to civil procedure, administrative law, federal courts, constitutional law, legal history, and empirical legal studies.

Professor Engstrom’s scholarship has appeared in the Stanford Law Review, Yale Law Journal, and Columbia Law Review, among others, and has been cited in scores of federal and state court decisions and litigation briefs. His current work includes a book charting the evolution of American job discrimination laws, and a major project advising the Administrative Conference of the United States on the use of artificial intelligence within the federal administrative state.

Professor Engstrom is an elected member of the American Law Institute and a faculty affiliate at the Stanford Human-Centered AI Initiative, CodeX: The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, and the Regulation, Evaluation, and Governance Lab (RegLab). Finally, he is currently serving as Stanford Law School’s Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives and, in that role, is leading an effort to shape the law school’s programs and offerings around law and digital technology.

Before joining Stanford’s faculty, Engstrom litigated at what is now Kellogg, Hansen, Todd, Figel & Frederick in Washington, DC, where he represented clients before the US Supreme Court, US Courts of Appeals, and various trial courts and agencies. He also clerked for (now Chief) Judge Diane P Wood of the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and was a John M Olin Fellow at Yale Law School. He holds a JD from Stanford Law School, an MSc from Oxford University, and a PhD from Yale University.

Professor Engstrom's paper on Legal Tech, Civil Procedure, and the Future of Adversarialism can be found here: PDF icon engstrom-gelbach_legal_tech_civ_pro_and_adversarialism_oxford.pdf

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Evidence & Civil Procedure