Byrne Colloquium with Grant Lamond and John Tasioulas

Event date
17 October 2019
Event time
17:00 - 19:00
Oxford week
University College - 10 Merton Street - Lecture Room
The Byrne Colloquium is a new interdisciplinary colloquium series that brings together theorists from philosophy, politics, law, and beyond to discuss works-in-progress by distinguished scholars. Sessions are held thrice yearly – once each term – and a paper for each session is circulated in advance to participants. Those unable to read the paper in advance are nevertheless welcome to attend as a summary of the paper will be given. It is expected that papers by visiting guests will have broad academic and cross-disciplinary appeal.
The first Byrne Colloquium, on October 17th, will be co-convened by Professor Ruth Chang (University of Oxford) and Dr. Grant Lamond (University of Oxford). Dr. Lamond will introduce a paper by the guest speaker Professor John Tasioulas (King's College London).
If you would like to attend this Byrne Colloquium, or any of the forthcoming Byrne Colloquia in 2019-20, including:
March 4, 2020: Alison Hills (Oxford) engages with Miranda Fricker (CUNY)
May 7, 2020: Sophie Smith (Oxford) engages with Imani Perry (Princeton)
please e-mail to register before 0th week of Michaelmas Term 2019 (October 6th 2019).
The Colloquium is made possible by a generous donation by Patrick M. Byrne.


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