Book Presentation of 'The Contract of Employment'

Event date
17 February 2017
Event time
14:15 - 17:30
Oxford week
Brasenose College
Lord Justice Underhill, Professor Andrew Burrows, Professor Lizzie Barmes, Professor Alan Bogg, Dr David Cabrelli, and Dr Jeremias Prassl

On Friday February 17th, there will be an afternoon seminar to be held in Brasenose College Oxford (at the kind invitation of John Bowers QC as the Principal of Brasenose), from 2.15 pm to 5.30 pm, to discuss The Contract of Employment, and to reflect upon further work which might follow on from the book; a drinks reception will follow afterwards by courtesy of Oxford University Press.  

The event will be introduced by the Dean, Professor Anne Davies; among the speakers and chairs of sessions will be Lord Justice Underhill, Professor Andrew Burrows, Professor Lizzie Barmes, Professor Alan Bogg, Dr David Cabrelli, and Dr Jeremias Prassl, and it is intended to ask others to act as discussants.  We hope this seminar may serve to bring the book to the attention of an academic audience extending beyond those specialising in labour/ employment law.

Those wishing to attend this seminar  are asked to inform Mark Freedland of their intention to do so by sending him an email ( by 15th February, so that we will have a rough idea of numbers attending.