Book Launch: Taking Law Seriously: Essays in Honour of Peter Cane

Event date
4 March 2022
Event time
17:30 - 18:30
Oxford week
HT 7
MBI Al Jaber Auditorium - Corpus Christi College
Roderick Bagshaw (Oxford), Timothy Endicott (Oxford), and Nicola Lacey (LSE)

We are delighted to invite you to the launch of the festschrift for Peter Cane, Taking Law Seriously: Essays in Honour of Peter Cane, published in January 2022 by Hart Publishing.  Over his career, Peter has made a remarkable contribution to legal scholarship, illuminating the territory of both public and private law with imagination and insight.

The launch will take place on Friday 4th March 2022 at 5:30pm to 6:30pm in the MBI Al Jaber Auditorium, Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Short presentations regarding the book, and Peter’s career more generally, will be made by Professor Roderick Bagshaw (Oxford), Professor Timothy Endicott (Oxford) and Professor Nicola Lacey (LSE). Subject to government and university guidelines, the event will take place in person (and only in person).

Thereafter, from 6:30pm to 7:30pm drinks and canapes will be served in the Rainolds Room in Corpus Christi. 

Please RSVP to by 5pm on Friday 25 February 2022 if you would like to attend. Space will be made available on a first-come-first-served basis.

A list of the book’s chapters is set out below.

Private Law 

  1. Tort Law Beyond the Forms of Action: Achieving the Goal of The Anatomy of Tort Law, Christine Beuermann 

  2. Elements of Torts, James Goudkamp 

  3. Culpability and Compensation, Sandy Steel 

  4. Peter Cane on Torts, Stephen D Sugarman 

Public Law 

  1. Constitutional Rights, Moral Judgement and the Rule of Law, TRS Allan 

  2. Participation and the Duty to Consult, Janet McLean 

  3. Controlling Administration: The Rise of Unilateral Executive Power in the United States, Jerry L Mashaw 


  1. Administrative Compensation: Bypass or Dead End?, Carol Harlow 

  2. Tort and Regulation, Donal Nolan 

  3. Regulating Relationships: The Regulatory Potential of Tort Law Revisited, Jenny Steele 

The Nature and Role of Legal Scholarship

  1. Thinking about Doctrine in Administrative Law, Leighton McDonald 

  2. Administrative Tribunals: An Essay about the Legal Imagination of Administrative Law Scholars, Elizabeth Fisher 

  3. Cane as Law Reformer: Götterdämerung or House of Cards?, Mark Lunney 

  4. Philosophical and Judicial Thinking about Moral Concepts: Cane’s Critique of Philosophical Method 20 Years On, Anthony J Connolly 

We very much look forward to seeing you at the launch and celebration of one of the world’s leading legal scholars. 

This event is generously supported by Hart Publishing, the Centre for International and Public Law in the College of Law at the Australian National University, and Corpus Christi College and the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford.

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Law of Obligations