Book Launch: 'Governance of financial institutions'

Event date
14 May 2019
Event time
14:45 - 18:15
Oxford week
Harris Manchester College

On Tuesday 14 May 2019 the book 'Governance of financial institutions', published by Oxford University Press, will be presented. This is an event organised by the Commercial Law Centre at Harris Manchester College and The Business & Law Research Centre at Radboud University, Nijmegen.

The book places the governance of financial institutions in a broad perspective. It does not merely study the impact of the post-crisis regulatory framework on topics such as fitness and propriety of board members, board composition and core managerial functions such as risk management, internal controls and compliance. It also analyses the tensions existing between financial regulation and corporate law, and the nature and extent of the duties of directors and managers of financial institutions.

Last but not least, the book considers non-legal issues with special reference to the conduct of board members of financial institutions either in good times or throughout a crisis. Culture is analysed as an indispensable complement or substitute for regulation.


2:45 Welcome and introduction
Professor Kristin van Zwieten
Clifford Chance Associate Professor of Law and Finance, University of Oxford; Fellow and Tutor in Law, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford

Professor Paul Davies QC (hon)  (Chair of Sessions)
Senior Research Fellow, Harris Manchester College, and a Fellow of the Commercial Law Centre at Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford

3:00  Corporate Culture in the Governance of Financial institutions
Professor Guido Ferrarini
Professor of Governance of Financial Institutions, Radboud University Nijmegen; Emeritus Professor of Business Law, University of Genoa

3:30 The Dutch Banker’s Oath and the Dutch Banking Disciplinary Committee – Lessons From the Netherlands?
Professor Danny Busch
Professor of Financial Law, Director, Institute for Financial Law, Radboud University Nijmegen; Research Fellow, Harris Manchester College, and a Fellow of the Commercial Law Centre at Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford

4:00 Culture, Supervision and Enforcement in Bank Regulation
Simon Gleeson
Partner and solicitor at Clifford Chance London; Distinguished Practitioner Member of the Commercial Law Centre at Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford

4.30 What Leads to a Culture of Malpractice? Some Lessons from 'Governance of Financial Institutions'
Professor John Thanassoulis
Professor of Financial Economics, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick

5:00 Why Would Anyone in Their Right Mind Be Willing to serve as a Bank Director?
Professor Luca Enriques
Allen & Overy Professor of Corporate Law in association with Jesus College, University of Oxford

5:30 Discussion

6:00 Closing remarks by Professor Paul Davies QC (hon)

6:15 Drinks