Book Launch: Capitalism Before Corporations, by Andreas Televantos

Event date
1 February 2021
Event time
13:00 - 14:00
Oxford week
Faculty Members
Members of the University
Postgraduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Online - Microsoft Teams
Prof Dame Sarah Worthington (Cambridge), Prof Charles Mitchell (UCL) & Dr Andreas Televantos (Oxford)

Capitalism Before Corporations by Andreas Televantos 

Book Launch. Monday 1 February, 1pm to 2pm on Microsoft Teams

We would be delighted if you could join us for a virtual event marking the publication of Capitalism Before Corporations by Andreas Televantos, Associate Professor and Hanbury Fellow and Tutor in Law at Lincoln College, Oxford. It will take place on Microsoft Teams from 1pm to 2pm on Monday 1 February 2021. 

The event will be chaired by Prof Dame Sarah Worthington (Cambridge). Prof Charles Mitchell (UCL) will be the commentator, and after a reply from Andreas, there will be a general discussion of some of the issues and themes raised by the book. The book considers how English law, particularly during Lord Eldon's Chancellorship, facilitated trade before the advent of general incorporation. In doing so, it considers issues central to modern debates about equity, trusts, insolvency, and the justifiability of corporate privileges.

To receive the Teams invitation, you will need to register for the event. This can be done by emailing Ben McFarlane.