Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, Welcome Event

Event date
22 November 2017
Event time
10:15 - 18:00
Oxford week
Mansfield College Sir Joseph Hotung Auditorium
Various, including Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, Prof. Kate O'Regan and Mr. Yves Bonavero

The Bonavero Institute of Human Rights is a research institute hosted by the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, and located at Mansfield College. Join us and discover the new building, meet our staff and visitors and learn more about our key programmes, activities and spend time learning more from human rights practitioners who will be sharing their experiences from the field. Please feel free to come and join us.

To attend this event, please register via the eventbrite page.

A full programme of events can be found below. However, this is an open day, enablng you to drop- in and drop-out, as your diary allows.

This is an informal event for those interested in learning more about the Institute. The official Institute Opening Event will take place in Trinity Term 2018.

Bonavero Institute of Human Rights

Welcome event on 22 November 2017

Agenda: Sir Joseph Hotung Auditorium

10.30Experiences from the field:  Maya Foa from Reprieve
11.30Experiences from the field:  Bede Sheppard from Human Rights Watch
12.30LUNCH  with greetings and remarks by Helena Kennedy, Yves Bonavero and Kate O’Regan
14.30Human Rights study and research opportunities at Oxford University (with Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Master’s Programme in International Human Rights Law, Oxford Human Rights Hub, Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict, Refugee Studies Centre and others)
15.00Internship programme of the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and Mooting in Human Rights, especially the Price Media Moot Court
16.00Human Rights organisations and student initiatives at Oxford (with Amnesty International, Lawyers without Borders, Oxford Legal Assistance, Oxford Pro Bono Publico,  Oxford Transitional Justice Research Network, Public International Law Discussion Group, Refugee and Migration Law Discussion Group and others)
16.45Brief Presentation of the Bonavero Institute
17.00RECEPTION with greetings and remarks by Helena Kennedy and Kate O’Regan
from 12.30

Human Rights Fair in the Helena Kennedy Reading Room and the Gilly Leventis Meeting Room

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Human Rights Law