Bonavero Institute Annual Human Rights Lecture - 'The Democratic Virtues of Human Rights Law' - A Response to Lord Sumption's Reith Lectures
The Bonavero Institute of Human Rights is delighted to host Judge Róbert Spanó, Vice President of the European Court of Human Rights and Lord Sumption, a recently retired judge of the UK Supreme Court and 2019 BBC Reith Lecturer at the Old Hall, Lincoln's Inn to deliver the inaugural Bonavero Institute Annual Human Rights Lecture.
This summer Lord Sumption delivered the Reith Lectures on ‘Law and the Decline of Politics’. In one of the lectures he presented a critique of the role of the European Court of Human Rights and its approach to the interpretation of human rights law.
In the inaugural Bonavero Institute Annual Human Rights Lecture, Judge Róbert Spanó, the Vice President of the European Court of Human Rights, will deliver a lecture titled ‘The Democratic Virtues of Human Rights Law – A Response to Lord Sumption’s Reith Lectures’. Lord Sumption will respond to the lecture, following which the floor will be open for questions and comments.
The conversation will be chaired by the Principal of Mansfield College and British human rights barrister, Helen Mountfield QC. The event will be followed by a drinks reception.
Tickets for this event are free and should be reserved in advance through Eventbrite here.