Beyond the Liberal Constitution: European Voices of Dissent and the Constitutional Consequences

Event date
8 - 9 December
Event time
09:30 - 13:00
Oxford week
Haldane Room Wolfson College
Denis Galligan, Paul Craig, Henry Sardaryan, Daniel Smilov, Frank Vibert
The people are angry and want change. Across Europe, the United States, and elsewhere, the people, or more accurately, segments of the People, are demonstrating their discontent and disenchantment with some of the ideas and institutions at the foundations of contemporary Western societies. Whether it be a growing intolerance of difference and the revival of nationalist sentiments, disaffection with the institutions of government and demands for more direct forms of democracy, or fears over national security and the emergence of populist, charismatic leaders, such illiberal trends have gained significant traction in recent years. In this workshop, a roundtable of experts from around Europe and the US will debate the issues, and assess the implications of these rising currents for national constitutions and that of the European Union. Professor Denis Galligan will give an address to open the workshop, entitled 'The Post-Liberal Constitution'.

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