Art 17 of the DSM Directive - model or monster?

Event date
27 February 2020
Event time
17:15 - 18:45
Oxford week
The Dorfman Room - St Peter's College
Professor Ansgar Ohly

Despite widespread protests, the Council and the European Parliament passed the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. While the UK government has already announced that the UK will not implement the directive, the implementation process is about to start in the EU member states. Art. 17, the most controversial provision of the Directive, establishes duties for "online content-sharing service providers". The provision raises several issues of interpretation (and implementation), which we will look into. And it raises the question whether the model of duties of care, coupled with users' rights is really as bad as the protesters thought.


Each year the OIPRC hosts a number of leading academics from around the world as part of its Invited Speaker Series. These events typically run from 5:15-6:45pm on Thursday evenings at St. Peter’s College; if the venue or time is different, it will be noted on the Events calendar.  The Speaker Series consists of a presentation of about 45 minutes, followed by a Q&A session with the assembled group of academic staff, students (both undergraduate and graduate), researchers, and interested members of the public.  Discussion is informal and includes participants from several disciplines, with a wide range of prior knowledge.

Convenors: Robert BurrellDev Gangjee and Robert Pitkethly

Refreshments and snacks are served at the conclusion of the discussion.  All are welcome.

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Intellectual Property Law