Aravind Ganesh (Oxford Brookes): Rightful Relations with Distant Strangers: Kant, the EU, and the Wider World

Event date
5 May 2021
Event time
11:00 - 12:00
Oxford week
TT 2
Live Online Seminar (Teams)
Aravind Ganesh

Dear All,

we are glad to kick off Trinity Term with Dr. Aravind Ganesh (Oxford Brookes), who is going to discuss his new monograph Rightful Relations with Distant Strangers: Kant, the EU, and the Wider World (Hart 2021). The presentation is thus not only about an important contribution to the philosophy of the EU, but also very topical in dealing with the EU's external relations. The thesis on which this book is based was awarded the 2020 RenĂ© Cassin thesis Prize (English section).

Please join us for this seminar by registering here:

You will then receive the link to the seminar on the day.

Your EULDG convenors Bojana, Ekati & Josef



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EU Law