"Alternative Curricula" -- postcolonial memory and nostalgia

Event date
29 May 2019
Event time
17:15 - 18:30
Oxford week
Somerville College
The reading list is here
The session will be in the Eleanor Rathbone Room, ground floor of the Park building in Somerville College (please ask the porter for a fob and directions to the room).

You're warmly invited to join a monthly reading group, set up to explore de-colonial & post-colonial ideas. 


A reading group is a forum in which to discuss written texts. These texts are circulated in advance so that nobody needs to know anything about the topic beforehand. We are all learning from one another as we go. Anyone from any background is welcome, and that includes those who are not associated with a university.


We want this group to be a place of collaborative learning and discussion which is accessible, inclusive and respectful of its members --: adherence to this ideal is the only restriction that we place on participants.



About the group

This group aims to be a counterweight to the Eurocentricity of much of the writing that we encounter in university and in everyday life. We plan to critically read and discuss theorists from many subject areas, with a particular focus on writers from the majority world (i.e. not Europe and North America), and writers who identify as Black and/or as people of colour.
Each month's topic is on a different theme. Previous themes have included: language, race, capitalism, postcolonial nostalgia and how to define decolonisation.
Approximately 2-3 short readings will be circulated in advance and participants are expected to read these before the discussions, although this is not absolutely essential.
The group is convened by Achas Burin and Yasmeen Arif, two university students.

When and where
Discussions will take place each month during Oxford university terms. 
To be added to the mailing list, please email altcurricula@gmail.com.

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