AI in dispute resolution: possible roles and legal limitations
Event date
21 January 2021
Event time
13:30 - 14:30
Oxford week
Faculty Members
Postgraduate Students
Online via Zoom
Robin Dicker, QC
The Senior Practitioner Lectures are an initiative at the Oxford Faculty of Law within the MSc in Law and Finance programme. It is mainly aimed at engaging students (MLFs, BCL/Mjur, and PG research students) in a wide range of up-to-date topics and trends with direct industry relevance. It consists of short lectures (1-hour length) given by practitioners working in the field with contents ranging from theoretical to more hands-on, with a strong emphasis on the everyday applications and challenges. The convenor for the 2020-2021 series is Luca Enriques, Professor of Corporate Law. Papers are not normally circulated in advance via mailing list. All times are GMT.