“Advancing the Impact of Victim Participation at the International Criminal Court: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice”

Event date
30 November 2020
Event time
14:00 - 15:30
Oxford week
Webinar (Register Online)
Dr. Rudina Jasini & Prof. Carolyn Hoyle

Registration Click here to access the registration page for this event.  Please note the times stated are CET times, not U.K times


The Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford and the International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA) are delighted to launch this professional publication on victim participation at the International Criminal Court (ICC). The publication grew out of the successful cooperation between our two institutions, and it is characterised by a shared vision to create a platform for exchanging knowledge and for co-designing resources for the education and training of criminal justice practitioners, drawn from theoretical and jurisprudential developments on victim participation. It marks the finalisation of the Impact Acceleration Award project “Advancing the Impact of Victim Participation at the International Criminal Court: Developing Avenues for Collaboration”, funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council. The aim has been to develop a publication that will make a valuable and lasting contribution to advancing the work on legal representation of victims at the ICC, and that will be accessible to all the members of the ICCBA, as well as to scholars and researchers working on victim participation in international criminal justice.


14:00 - 14:30 | Welcome and Introduction Dr Rudina Jasini, Centre for Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford (Co-editor) Gregory Townsend, Lecturer, The Hague University, ICCBA Committee Chair (Co-editor) Prof Carolyn Hoyle, Centre for Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford Peter Haynes QC, President of the International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA)

14:30 – 15:30 | Discussion with Contributing Authors Questions and Debate


#ICC_OxCrim2018 @OxfordCrim @IntlCrimCourt @ICCBA_ABCPI 

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