Academic 'Speed-Dating' on keyword 'bureaucracy/migration'
Migration can often involve numerous encounters with bureaucracy and state officials. Obtaining a visa, residency, or citizenship may require individuals to collect and display documents, disclose a range of personal information, spend time waiting or in periods of considerable insecurity. What are the impacts of these processes and encounters with bureaucracy? What do they involve? How have they changed over time and in different contexts? This session, engaging with these issues of migration process and bureaucracy, will be held in the format of 'academic speed-dating' (with up to 5 mini-presentations of 3-5 minutes each by a selection of network participants from different disciplines) with plenty of time to network in small groups and individually.
If your work relates to this theme and you would like to introduce it to other network participants in a 3-5 minute mini-presentation, please get in touch!
1. How it works:
The point of academic speed-dating is to succinctly introduce your work to the rest of the attendees in 3-5 minutes, with the help of a maximum of 2 slides, and a chance to answer questions and receive feedback after all the presentations. This should give fellow network participants a taste of your research interests and expertise, and hopefully generate great connections in the networking time afterwards! We're expecting approx. 20-30 attendees.
2. Your presentation:
There are several ways of approaching your presentation in relation to the respective keyword, depending on what you would like others to know about your work at this point in your career. You can give a summary of your current research (and its relation to migration and mobility obviously!), book project, a particular migration- and mobility-related research question you are grappling with at the moment, or pitch for a future research project you are planning and/or might be looking for input/collaborations for. Try to pitch it to an interdisciplinary audience though, i.e. avoid disciplinary jargon!
The two slides can contain bullet points, pictures, etc. - anything you think will help attendees understand and remember your research better. Make it interesting, keep it simple, and remember that there is time for questions and more in-depth conversations afterwards, and attendees can receive your contact details to connect with you in the future. Time will be tight - so it's very important that you stick to your 3-5min time frame (please time it in advance) to make it fair and fun!
Organised by Dr Anna Tsalapatanis (Centre for Socio-Legal Studies) as part of the Migration and Mobility Network. Please get in touch with either her ( or if you are interested in presenting (by 20 Oct) or have any questions.