3rd Annual Conference of the Oxford Business Law Blog

Event date
15 March 2019
Event time
08:30 - 17:15
Oxford week
Mordan Hall - St Hugh's College
Conference Overview
March 2019 will mark the twentieth anniversary of the Centros case (C-212/97), without
doubt the most influential judgment rendered by the (then) Court of Justice in the field of
European company law. Along with Überseering (2002) and Inspire Art (2003), Centros
(1999) eased the cross-border mobility of corporations in the European Union, inducing
fear of forum-shopping within the borders of the single-market, and prompting calls for a
top-down harmonisation of corporate standards.
Against this backdrop, the editors of the Oxford Business Law Blog have selected ‘Centros
and European Company Law: Twenty Years of Living Dangerously’ as the theme of its third
annual conference. Two weeks before Brexit becomes effective, the conference provides
an appropriate forum to discuss the present and future of European Company Law.
In addition, the theme invites a broader reflection on the dynamics of regulatory arbitrage
and competition within the European continent and beyond, both in company law and
adjacent areas. Amongst other pressing issues, we will address the following questions: to
what extent does the rise of technology redefine corporate mobility and fuel regulatory
arbitrage? What is the legacy of Centros in insolvency law?
Conference Participation
This event is by invitation only. For any enquiries, please email oblb@law.ox.ac.uk

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Business Law