Departmental Lecturer in Law, and Fellow in Law, Wadham College

Deadline date for applications: Midday on Tuesday 4 June 2024

Grade 7, £36,024 - £44,263 per annum

The Faculty of Law seeks to appoint a temporary Departmental Lecturer to provide replacement teaching for the Law Faculty and Wadham College during Professor Sandy Steel’s leave funded by a 3-year Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship grant. The purpose of the appointment will be to lecture and otherwise teach undergraduate and graduate students, to conduct independent research, and to have tutorial responsibility as required.

The postholder will be required to teach for the Faculty of Law, providing lecture, seminar or tutorial teaching in at least one, and preferably two, of BCL/MJur Commercial Remedies, BCL/MJur Philosophical Foundations of the Common Law, FHS Tort, FHS contract, FHS Comparative Law; and to teach for Wadham College (or another College as needed), providing undergraduate tutorials in at least two of Tort, Contract, Jurisprudence; undertake advanced academic study, particularly to underpin teaching; conduct independent research at a high level and engage in assessment and university examining.

Applicants should hold a doctorate in a relevant subject; an aptitude for teaching, and experience of teaching highly able students; sufficient depth and breadth of knowledge in the relevant subjects; a publication record consistent with experience; capacity for organising teaching and supporting students; ability to work co-operatively with University and college administration and to deal effectively with the pastoral needs of undergraduate and graduate students.

The Fellow will be entitled to access to a teaching room in College, research and student entertainment allowances, and, when the kitchens are open, to free meals in the College as a member of the Senior Common Room.

The post is full time and fixed term from 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2027 and will be based at Wadham College, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PN 

Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. To apply for this role and to download further details (including the job description and selection criteria), please go to and search for  Vacancy ID: 172720.  

The closing date for applications is midday on 4 June 2024.  Interviews will be held in person at Wadham College on Friday 21 June 2024

Candidates should arrange for two references to be sent to by the closing date.

Shortlisted candidates will be asked to submit TWO items of written work (of about the length of a thesis chapter or article), published or unpublished.

Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and ethnic minority candidates, who are under-represented in academic positions in Oxford.

Deadline date for applications: Midday on Tuesday 4 June 2024

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