Criminology and Criminal Law

Rape Adjudication in India: A reflection of Female Autonomy or a Reinforcement of Stereotypes?
Aradhana Vadekkethil, supervised by Professor Laura Hoyano
Submitted in 2024

The Wrongness of Image-Based Sexual Abuse
Marthe Goudsmit Samaritter, supervised by Professor Jonathan Herring
Submitted in 2022

Questions of Value:  An Evaluative Study of Self-Defense Theory and Practice in Germany, England, and the United States
Markus Funk, supervised by Professor Jonathan Herring
Submitted in 2020

Offender agency at sentencing: exploring the grounds and scope for engaging offenders in the determination of punishment
Elise Maes, supervised by Professor Lucia Zedner
Submitted in 2020

Matt Bostrom, supervised by Professor Ben Bradford and Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Submitted 2020
Cian O'Concubhair, supervised by Professor Ian Loader
Submitted 2020
Chloe Deambrogio, supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Submitted 2020
Rachel Wechsler, supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Submitted 2020 
Lyndon Harris, supervised by Professor Julian Roberts
Submitted 2019 
Diana Batchelor, supervised by Professor Rachel Condry
Submitted 2019 
Robert Blakey, supervised by Professor Rachel Condry and Professor Ben Bradford
Submitted in 2018
Laura Tilt, supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Submitteed in 2018
Kate West, supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth
Submitted in 2018 
Alice Gerlach, supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth
Submitted in 2018
Shona Minson, supervised by Professor Rachel Condry
Submitted in 2017
Leila Ullrich, supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Submitted in 2017
Gabrielle Watson, supervised by Professor Ian Loader
Submitted in 2016
Anna Kotova, supervised by Professor Rachel Condry
Submitted in 2016
Marie Tidball, supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Submitted in 2016
Marion Vannier, supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth and Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Submitted in 2016
George R Mawhinney, supervised by Professor Andrew Ashworth
Submitted in 2016
Roxana Willis, supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Submitted in 2016
Alex Chung, supervised by Professor Federico Varese
Submitted in 2015
Joint Criminal Enterprise in English and German Law
Beatrice Krebs, supervised by Dr Grant Lamond
Submitted in 2015
Sophie Eser, supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth
Submitted in 2015
Daniel Alati, supervised by Professor Lucia Zedner
Submitted in 2015
Matthew William Davies, supervised by Professor Ian Loader
Submitted in 2015
Andrew Faull, supervised by Professor Ian Loader and Dr Jonny Steinberg
Submitted in 2015
Jennifer Collins, supervised by Professor Andrew Ashworth
Submitted in 2015
Lionel Nichols, supervised by Professor Fernanda Pirie
Submitted in 2014 
Aparna Rao, supervised by Professor Peter Mirfield
Submitted in 2014 
Addressing the Gap: The Role of the Institutions of the Rome Statute in Responding to the Needs of Child Crime Victims at risk of 'Falling Through the Cracks'
Michelle Grossman, supervised by Professor Andrew Ashworth
Submitted in 2014
Criminal Law and the Emotions: Should the Law be Concerned with the Offender's Inner Feelings?
Margreet J Luth, supervised by Professor John Gardner
Submitted in 2014
Lea Sitkin, supervised by Professor Nicola Lacey and Professor Mary Bosworth
Submitted in 2014
Fernanda Cruz da Fonsesca Rosenblatt, supervised by Professor Carolyn Hoyle
Submitted in 2013
Warriors, Wimps, and Workers: Constructions of Masculinities in United States' Anti-Trafficking Law and Policy, 1999-2010
Sarah Louise Steele, supervised by Professor Mary Bosworth
Submitted in 2011
The Serious Crime Prevention Order: Policy Making and 'Taking' on the Path to Preventive Justice
James Ogg, supervised by Professor Lucia Zedner
Submitted in 2011
Rehabilitation, 'the TC way': Experiences of Prison-Based Democratic Therapeutic Communities
Alisa Stevens, supervised by Dr Ros Burnett
Submitted in 2010

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