Recording Policy

Faculty policy relating to the recording and dissemination of lectures or seminars

Update 1 December 2022

Lectures: where lectures are held in the Faculty Building or Manor Road Building, they will be recorded via Panopto, and those recordings will be made available to all students via Canvas (there will be a link to the Panopto recordings in the Canvas site for the course in question).

Seminars: seminars will not be recorded, except for students who either have disability support plans which recommend access to recordings, or who have applied for such a disability student support plan through Disability Advisory Services, and in those instances, only if the seminar is taking place in the Faculty (i.e. St Cross or Manor Road Buildings).  Only those students will have access to recordings.

It is possible for seminar convenors to seek exemptions from the policy, so that particular seminars are not recorded if there are perceived to be sensitivities in respect of the subject matter of the seminar, or so that a recording could be made available to other students. Requests for exemptions should be made in writing to the relevant Associate Dean.  

The Faculty will inform students where seminars are recorded. Students who have concerns about being recorded, either prior to or after a recording has been made, should contact the seminar convenor or


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