Oxford Martin School

2025 Expressions of Interest now CLOSED

The Oxford Martin School supports interdisciplinary projects on novel or state-of-the-art technologies that create solutions for the major challenges of the 21st century.  Their remit covers areas of environment, health, society and economics.

Applications usually include lead researchers from more than one department and successful proposals pull together novel combinations of researchers from different fields.

2025 Round - Expressions of Interest Now CLOSED as of 24-Feb-2025

The Oxford Martin School will make a new round of grants available in 2025. They are now seeking short Expressions of Interest from eligible academics as the first stage of our selection process. Shortlisted candidates will be requested to submit a full proposal.

The OMS are not specifying a theme but are considering any project that addresses the School’s mission. The OMS are interested in applications from parts of the University that the School has not previously supported, and welcome proposals that make novel interdisciplinary links across the University. Initially, the OMS are requesting a short Expression of Interest (EoI) that clearly state the programme’s aim, novelty and how, if successful, it will have real-world impact. The EoI should also state why the Oxford Martin School should support the idea rather than traditional funders, and how the project would continue after the end of School funding. 

Applications to the Oxford Martin School usually include Directors from more than one Department. The OMS is particularly interested to receive expressions of interest from consortia that span different divisions, though this is not a requirement.

All prospective applicants are encouraged to read the application guidelines and discuss their project with the School’s Research and Programmes Manager, Dr Jean-Charles Buffet, ahead of submission.

The budget for a project is flexible, with a maximum limit of £1 million.



The Oxford Martin School deadline for expressions of interest is 5pm, Monday 24th February 2025. EOIs should be sent to to kanwal.baluch@oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk.

The Faculty of Law requests notification of intention to submit an EOI by Friday 31st January 2025 at the latest, with a first draft of an EOI by Friday 7th February 2025.  Notifications should be submitted to research@law.ox.ac.uk. 

Requests for full proposals will be issued in March 2025; the deadline for full proposals will be in May 2025, and it is hoped that final decisions will be made in June 2025. It is envisaged that the research teams would be able to start work in Michaelmas 2025.

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