Ten new research students join the Centre

2022 has seen the arrival of a strong cohort of new students studying a wide range of exciting topics. Unusually, the majority have legal backgrounds, but their projects all centre on empirical research and the CSLS seminars on socio-legal theory and methods have already generated some lively debate.

We look forward to seeing how their projects develop over the coming years.


Roxane Agon, ‘Private norms, public laws: the Italian-American mafia’s resilience and its relationship with the state’

Nouf Albinhassan, ‘Corporate governance and the role played by sovereign wealth funds’

Muhammad Atcha

Freya Cole Norton, ‘The local welfare safety net: fit for purpose?’

Ann-Marie Debrah, ‘Minority groups within the courtroom and criminal legal system of Brazil’.

Irene Han, ‘Empirical legal studies’

Daniel Herszberg

Jade Kosche, ‘How a gender justice programme in Lesotho affects perceptions of gender-based violence’

Ayesha Pattnaik, ‘Concealed claims, contested citizens: a study of India’s informal internal migrant workers’

Elsa Savourey, ‘Advancing the respect of human rights in global value chains: assessing the effectiveness of mandatory human rights due diligence’